Pack 442 strives to introduce Scouting and it's principles of being Loyalty, Trustworthy, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent to School age Boys and Girls in Grades K through 5th. We strive to help youth develop these skills and prepare them to grow into becoming members of Troop 442, when they reach the middle of fifth grade.
We meet weekly, on Monday nights during the school year at 6pm. We plan for 3-4 weekend camping trips during the year, along with several day activities or trips to local museums, attractions and business to learn about our community.
Cub Scout Pack 442 follows Scouts, BSA's example of creating a safe environment for kids to explore their community and the outdoors under the leadership of trained volunteer leaders.
For more information, or to sign your child up for Cubs, please contact Bill Shaffer at or (678)641-3513.
You can also find us on Facebook: Pack 442 First Methodist Salisbury, NC
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